Sunday, September 26, 2021

Painting Table

 So I've been getting into the uh, warhammer scene. Not Warhammer warhammer, just warhammer. I really like the models, I really like the worlds and I generally find them pretty well put together and fun. Much moreso than most settings and it has slightly impacted my development of TCFRPG. Not extremely, but I do genuinely enjoy painting miniatures, its hard and I complain a bit while I do it, but I do it because I like doing it and that is what matters to me.

Unfortunately I'm a dumbass and have amassed a really big collection of very nice looking unpainted miniatures. My progress through this horde has been slow, it took me two weeks to finish two skaven Gutter Runners and two linemen for Blood Bowl! I haven't even added the decals onto the bases yet! 

So I made a table.

And I rolled a ten, so let's paint the Gyrmwatch:

This should be fun! All contrast for this lot!


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